Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home – John Muir

The Androscoggin Valley Views Association (AVVA) is a neighborhood association located in Gilead Maine. We are a community of small individual land owners who share a common interest in preserving the beauty, tranquility, and harmony of our own properties, our neighborhood, and the surrounding lands of the Western Maine Foothills and Androscoggin River Valley.

This Website…

This website is intended to provide association members a single location to gather news and information about upcoming neighborhood events, online access to past meeting minutes, community member contact information, and various other association documentation such as by-laws and the association covenant agreement.

Upcoming Neighborhood Events

The page is intended to include details and scheduled dates for upcoming neighborhood events such as the association annual meeting, neighborhood cleanups, and other group activities.

Association Meeting Minutes

This page is available to AVVA members only. It  will include the minutes and summary of the annual association meeting. Members will be able to download a zip archive which contains all documents from the meeting which will the minutes, budget, agenda, and any presentations presented.

Association Documentation

This page includes all relevant documentation need by AVVA members. Here AVVA members can download the Association Bylaws and Covenant Agreements in pdf form. It is available only to AVVA members.